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Ja, Payswix, UAB ist ein elektronisches Geldinstitut, das von der Bank von Litauen die Lizenz (No. 21) für die Ausgabe elektronischen Gelds erhalten hat.

While the information on the payswix website is available in a variety of languages for marketing and easy accessibility purposes, our Team will provide further assistance in English and Lithuanian languages only.

Of course. Your safety is one of our top priorities. We preach full transparency when it comes to our customers’ accounts and transactions; therefore, we will keep you informed about the status of your account as well as your payments.

As Payswix, UAB is registered under the Data Protection Act, our internal procedures and systems are designed to comply with the data security regulations. Hence, we can assure you that the shared information and documents are completely safe with us.

Lesen Sie mehr zu unserem Datenschutz, Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzrichtlinie.

EWR steht für Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum, zu dem folgende Länder gehören Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.

The Hague Convention includes Albania, Andorra, Antigua, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cape Verde, Chile, China (Hong Kong), China (Macao), Colombia, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, FYR of Macedonia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Republic of - (South Korea), Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niue, Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, The Philippines, Poland, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, the Russian Federation, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela.

The outgoing and incoming SEPA payments are available from/to Österreich, Andorra, Belgien, Bulgarien, Kroatien, Zypern, Tschechien, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Deutschland, Griechenland, Ungarn, Island, Irland, Italien, Lettland, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, Holland, Norwegen, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, San Marino, die Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Schweden, die Schweiz, Großbritannien, Vatikan und Gebiete außerhalb des EWR Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man.

Payswix considers your safety one of its top priorities. However, please keep in mind the following steps to additionally ensure the security of your information:

1) Protect your personal information: there might be fraudsters that pretend to be from Payswix, asking for you to verify your personal information via email. Please make sure to double-check if the details present in the email are valid and belong to us (email address, contacts, what subject on the email is used, who is writing you an email, etc.). Be especially suspicious if someone is asking for information that Payswix already has. If you suspect fraudulent activity from someone using our name, please contact us immediately via [email protected]. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir Sie nie nach Angaben fragen werden, die Ihr Konto komprimieren könnten.

2) Create a strong password for your account: please consider creating a password that is at least 8-12 characters long and includes mixed numbers, capital/lower-case letters, and symbols. Try staying away from obvious dictionary words and combinations of dictionary words. Try using passphrases instead of passwords, as they are easier to remember and more difficult to guess.

3) Sign out from public devices: If you're logging into our website in a public place (library, office, friend's house, etc.) do not forget to log out when you're done.

4) Please note that payswix only uses SMS service to verify your identity. You will never be asked to verify your login by phone, e-mail, or other means.

5) Reporting suspicious activity: If you think that your account has been compromised, please reach out to us immediately via [email protected]. If you have given your login information to somebody or used the same password for several accounts, please change it.

Applying for an IBAN

Mehrwährungs-Wallets erlauben es unseren Kunden, Ihre Geldmittel in über 70 Währungen auf einem Konto aufzubewahren. Diese Leistung macht es einfacher, Geldmittel aufzubewahren, zu überweisen und zu empfangen.

Designated accounts are generated to provide a named IBAN for receiving and sending out payments. You can apply for a designated IBAN hier and fill out the online registration form. Once your account has been set up, you will receive an email with the details of your designated account.

Für Privatkonten: 3-5 Werktagen, je nach Relevanz der vorgelegten Dokumente und der gemachten Angaben.

Für Firmenkonten: There is no exact time frame for corporate account activation. Once we receive your completed payswix application, our Compliance team will review the information and send a list of required documents.  The account approval depends on the relevancy of the documentation and information provided.


There is a standard package of documentation that we always request once the Onboarding process is started. However, any type of additional data required will depend on the type of business that your company conducts. You can check our Onboarding guide hier.

Nein, sind sie nicht. Die Quelle der Geldmittel sollte die Einnahmen des Unternehmens benennen, während die Quelle des Wohlstands sich auf die Herkunft der Geldmittel zur Firmengründung bezieht.

Als lizenziertes elektronisches Geldinstitut verlangen wir von unseren Kunden, dass diese die verlangte Compliance-Prüfung absolvieren, was die Offenlegung bestimmter Dokumente und personenbezogener Daten umfasst. Das garantiert eine sicheren und effizienten Beitritt. Seien Sie versichert, dass die Datennutzung, Speicherung und Verarbeitung im Sinne der Datenschutzrichtlinie ernst nehmen. Daher sind Ihre Daten bei uns sicher.

Yes, the information you provide must be correct and up-to-date. Only then, we can conduct successful compliance and identity checks.

Ihre Kontogebühren hängen von dem Tarif ab, der für Sie zutrifft. Die Preislisten finden Sie hier.

Aufgrund interner Richtlinien sind bestimmte Informationen nicht zur Weitergabe und unsere Kunden bestimmt und stehen nicht zur Diskussion. Dazu gehört auch der Grund für die Ablehnung einer Kontoeröffnung. Sofern eine neue Registrierung möglich ist, wird unser Team sie darüber in Kenntnis setzen.

There is no need to worry. Just contact [email protected] und wir helfen Ihnen, die Daten zu korrigieren.

Yes, however, you would need to apply for a B2B account first. Please also note that a C2B account can be provided only to EU-regulated crypto, forex, and gaming/gambling companies.


You can log into your account by pressing on the ‘Sign In’ button in the top right corner of the main page and by putting the email address and password you used on the registration, as well as confirming your identity by putting an OTP received via SMS.

Sie können den Kontostand im Mehrwährungs-Wallet und der etwaige Kontostand in EUR auf Ihrer Hauptseite einsehen, indem Sie auf „Hauptseite“ und dann „Überblick“ drücken.

You can add sub-users for other company employees/ managers to use the account as well. For that to happen, you can go to ‘Settings’ at the right top corner of the page and click ‘Sub Users’. After that, please upload the required information, so we could approve it. Once it is done, the new user will be able to log into your account with their own credentials (email and password created). Please note that adding a sub-user option is available only for corporate clients. 

Ein Subkonto ist ein gesondertes Konto, das vom Hauptkonto getrennt ist. Normalerweise werden getrennte Kontos nur dazu verwendet, Geldmittel getrennt aufzubewahren (Sparguthaben, Lohn usw.) und die Trennung dazwischen leichter zu gestalten. Sie können jedes Ihrer Subkontos benutzen, um Geld zu überweisen oder zu empfangen.

Sie erstellen eins, indem Sie auf der Kontoseite rechts oben zu „Einstellungen“ gehen und auf „Sub-Konto“ klicken und die verlangte Informationen eingeben, damit das Konto freigeschaltet werden kann.

Once the application is received by our team, we will reach out to you to confirm which sub-accounts should be activated as well as to confirm the pricing applied.

You can apply for a C2B account by creating a sub-account onto your main one and by indicating that it is a C2B account (the C2B account shall be named as XXXXXXXXXX LTD/UAB (IND)).

Go to ‘Settings’ at the top right corner of your account page and click ‘Change password’. You can also click on the ‘Forgot Password’ button on the sign-in page, put in your registered email address and you will be sent a reset link. Please make sure to choose a secure password by putting a minimum of 8 characters including at least one lowercase and an uppercase letter, one digit, and one of these special characters: !@#$%^&*_

For individual clients: Please send your inquiry to [email protected] , damit wir die Änderung vornehmen können.

For business clients: to change your mobile number or email address, please send us ([email protected]) an official free-form letter with your request. The letter should include the old and the new phone numbers and/or emails and be signed by the director of the company. Once the letter is received, we will do the rest.

If you have not received an OTP upon registration, please double-check if the phone number you have provided is correct. If everything seems fine, we recommend contacting your mobile service provider and asking them to whitelist our OTP provider 'Twilio'. If you still do not receive the OTP, please contact us at [email protected] and we will investigate this further.

Wahrscheinlich haben Sie Ihre Zugangsdaten oder das Einmalpasswort mehrfach falsch eingegeben. Bitte senden Sie von Ihrer registrierten E-Mail-Adresse aus eine Mitteilung an [email protected] , damit wir Ihr Konto entsperren können.

To close the account, please send your request to [email protected] from your registered email address. Please note that for a corporate account closure, you will be requested to provide an official letter with your request, indicating the reason for the account closure. The letter shall be signed by the director of your company.

If your account is closed, it means that you are no longer able to log in to Payswix E-wallet and perform any actions in the account. The account might be closed due to the following reasons:

  • Compliance reasons
  • According to the personal client's request
  • Due to inactivity
  • Failing to cover the negative balance

If you would like to know more about the account closure, please contact [email protected].

Ja, senden Sie dazu eine Mitteilung an [email protected] and we will be able to supply you with one. Please note that a charge will be applied for this service according to your account pricing.

Währungstausch und Zahlungen

Ja, sobald Ihr Konto aktiviert ist, können Sie Währungen kaufen und verkaufen.

Log into your account and click on “Conversions”. Then choose whether you’re looking to buy or sell the currency. After you select the needed option, choose the amount, the currency that you would like to buy or sell, and the account you wish to transact from. After that, press “Get Quote” and you’ll have 30 seconds to decide whether you’re happy with the rates and fees predisposed by the system. Press ’Buy’ to complete the conversion or ’Cancel & Back’ if you decide not to.

Die Angaben zu den Wechselkursen sind global und die Daten werden gemäß der Marktlage zu dem Zeitpunkt aktualisiert.

The outgoing and incoming* SWIFT payments are available in the following currencies:

Hauptwährungen:AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NOK, NZD, USD.



Wenn Sie eingehende SWIFT-Überweisungen in einer der obig genannten Währungen erhalten möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte von Ihrer registrierten E-Mail-Adresse aus mit einer individuellen Anfrage an unser Team unter [email protected] damit unser Team Ihnen personalisierte Anweisungen geben kann.

Siehe nachfolgender Zeitplan:

SEPA ausgehend

SEPA eingehend

8:50 – 9:30 OEZ

 9:00 OEZ

9:30 – 12:00 OEZ

11:10 OEZ

12:00 – 14:30 OEZ

13:40 OEZ

14:30 – 16:25 OEZ

16:10 OEZ

Nach 16:30, am nächsten Werktag

16:55 OEZ

Bitte beachten Sie, dass Wochenenden und staatliche Feiertage in Litauen nicht als Werktage zählen.. Preliminary payment receipt times will be affected on non-business days. As a client, you will be informed of any changes in the payments processing schedule due to public or bank holidays ahead of time.  

To initiate a transaction, click on the ‘Pay-Out’ button at the top of your account page and select the payment method. Once you do that, just choose the recipient and banking details from your list, select the amount and currency, and create a transaction.

You can click on ‘Home’ and ‘Statements’ at the top of your account page to see the overall transaction listing. To check the overview of your separate payments (for instance fees, incoming payments, batch transactions, etc.), please click on 'Reports' at the top of your account page.

Sobald die Überweisung beauftragt ist, dauert es bei uns bis 24 Stunden, um sie zu verarbeiten. Danach hängt die Dauer von den Zeitzonen und den Geschäftszeiten der lokalen Bank ab. SEPA-Überweisungen (innerhalb der EU) kommen normalerweise am selben oder folgenden Geschäftstag an. Überweisungen außerhalb von EU und EWR (SWIFT-Zahlungen) können bis zu 3-5 Werktage benötigen, bevor sie dem Empfänger gutgeschrieben werden.

Da wir nur SEPA-Zahlungen annehmen können (außer des Konto ist für eingehende SWIFT-Überweisungen zugelassen), werden die Gelder normalerweise am gleichen oder folgenden Werktag gutgeschrieben.

Wenn Sie SWIFT-Überweisungen empfangen wollen, wenden Sie sich bitte von Ihrer registrierten E-Mail-Adresse aus mit einer individuellen Anfrage an [email protected] damit unser Team Ihnen personalisierte Anweisungen geben kann.

As all of the transactions are subject to internal review, our team might request additional information to verify such details as the source of funds or the reason for your transfer. This does not mean that each of your payments will be stopped. 

Es gibt keine anderen Gebühren, als diejenigen, die in der Ihnen vorliegenden Preisliste enthalten sind, und die Sie auch bei der Beauftragung der Überweisung sehen.

You will be shown as a sender for SEPA payments. For the SWIFT transactions, the recipient will see Payswix, UAB, or our corresponding bank as a sender.

Sobald Sie sich bei Ihrem Konto eingeloggt haben, können Sie das „Aktivitätszentrum“ unter dem Kontostand sehen. Dort können Sie auf „Empfänger hinzufügen“ drücken und die Bankverbindung eingeben. Wenn das getan ist, einfach diese Angaben speichern und der Empfänger ist hinzugefügt.

Bitte achten Sie darauf, dass all Angaben korrekt sind, damit die Überweisung auch ankommt.

If you have not yet initiated a transaction using the incorrect beneficiary details, please go to your Recipients list to edit the information (under the ‘Settings’ at the right top corner of the page, click on ‘Recipients’, and then edit the selected incorrect Recipient).

If you have already initiated a transfer and it is still in progress, you have the option to cancel it yourself. Please refer to the section “How do I cancel a transaction that I initiated?”.

If the transaction status states as ‘Completed’, it means that the funds have left our bank and it is only possible to initiate a recall or trace of funds. If you would like to initiate a transaction recall or trace, please contact us by email [email protected].

We can initiate a recall request if required to the beneficiary’s bank. If the beneficiary’s bank agrees with the recall, the transaction will be returned and credited back to your account. If the beneficiary bank does not agree with the request, we can only suggest contacting the beneficiary and their bank for further details. Charges for recall message applies according to the set pricing if the message is initiated by Payswix.

If the transaction is not in the processing stage yet, please navigate in your Payswix account by clicking on ‘Reports’, then ‘Pay-Outs’, selecting the required transaction, and clicking ‘Cancel’. If the cancellation option is not available anymore, please contact us at [email protected] (or by phone during working hours at +370 (8) 52 07 5750) and we will advise on further steps. Payment can be canceled within 24 hours after the transaction is initiated or later if agreed by both parties.

If the payment is already processed, Payswix can initiate a recall for the transaction. Please refer to the section “If I sent a payment by mistake, can I recall it?” for more details.

If you notice a transaction in your e-wallet that has to be refunded to the beneficiary, please note that you can initiate the transfer back by yourself or contact [email protected] for further assistance in refunding the transaction back to the sender. Please note we will require you to provide a reason for the refund.

Charges for refund apply according to the set pricing by Payswix.

It is possible that the sender due to a mistake or any other reason can request to refund for a transaction that was received by you. If the transaction is already credited to your e-wallet and Payswix received a request from the beneficiary bank, we will inquire you, whether you agree with the refund of the transaction. If yes, we will initiate a cancelation and return the funds to the sender, if not, no further actions will be required from your side and Payswix will not initiate the refund.

For us to locate the funds, we would require proof of payment. Please make sure that all the necessary transfer details are present and send the document to [email protected].

For the recipient to locate the funds, please reach out to us via [email protected] und wir werden Ihnen den Zahlungsbeleg zur Verfügung stellen. Wenn die Zahlung nicht lokalisiert wird, werden wir eine Nachverfolgung einleiten.

Wenn der Zahlungsbeleg, den Sie erhalten haben, nicht ausgereicht hat, um die Geldmittel zu lokalisieren, dann wenden Sie sich bitte erneut an uns über [email protected] und wir werden von unserer Seite eine Untersuchung zusammen mit der Bank des Begünstigten einleiten.

If you can see in your e-wallet that one of your transactions was canceled, please note that after every transaction cancellation, an e-mail is sent to the customer with the reason for the cancellation to the registered e-mail address. If any additional information is required, please contact [email protected].

If you can see that your transaction was returned, the reason for the refund is always indicated in transaction reference\note. The most frequent reasons for the returned transactions are the following:

  • AC01 - Incorrect account number
  • AC04 - Closed account number
  • AC06 - Blocked account
  • MS02/MS03 - Not specified reasons by the sender
  • RR01 - Missing debtor account or identification
  • RR02 - Missing debtor name or address
  • RR03 - Missing creditor name or address
  • RR04 - Regulatory reasons

If the reason code that you see in the reference field does not match with any of the above-mentioned, or if you have any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected].

It is very common that when SWIFT transfers have more than one Bank involvement, the transfer may be stuck with different intermediaries for many reasons starting from missing or incorrect information to AML reasons. If you see that the receipt of the transaction is taking too long, please note that in these cases only the sender Bank is able to correctly track the transfer. If you would like to track down the payment, please refer to the sender and its bank in order to locate the transaction or ask for a recall initiation if necessary.

There might be bank fees applied and deducted from the amount you are sending or receiving by the beneficiary or correspondent bank. Payswix has no control over such fees.

Internal transfers occur between clients that have payswix accounts. Such transfers are free of charge.

Eine Serienzahlung ist eine hervorragende Option, wenn Sie viele Überweisungen mit nur einem klick beauftragen. Alles was Sie tun müssen ist das Ausfüllen eines CSV-Formulars und dessen Hochladen in unser System. Wenn Sie eine Serienzahlung machen möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an [email protected] , um die erforderliche Datei zusammen mit der Anleitung zu erhalten.

Please note that the outgoing and incoming SWIFT transactions are not available for businesses that are directly/indirectly related to cryptocurrency exchange and/or related to cash-based remittance services.

Nein, wir akzeptieren keine Bargeldeinzahlungen.

Express payments are available only for outgoing SWIFT transactions. You can choose that option on the transaction initiation.