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Report wrongdoing, i.e. ‘blow the whistle’

Payswix, UAB (hereafter “payswix”) does not tolerate acts of wrongdoing and strives to maintain a transparency of business operations and behavior.   To mitigate the risks, unethical or illegal wrongdoing within payswix, we encourage you to share your concerns and report cases of any wrongdoing you suspect has occurred. We ask you to inform payswix, if the following acts took place*:

  • criminal offence;
  • breach of a legal obligation or regulatory requirement;
  • miscarriage of justice;
  • obstruction of justice;
  • health and safety of any individual was put to danger;
  • damage to the environment was done;
  • funding of illegal or criminal activities;
  • bribery or financial fraud;
  • unethical, disrespectful conduct by our employees (including harassment);
  • Unlawful purchase of product/s, service/s and/or goods;
  • deliberate attempt to conceal any of the above.

*Please note that this list is non-exhaustive and you are free to  report other concerns.

You can  raise your concern by filling-in the Whistleblowing Form on Our website. We will try to keep you updated as your case progresses, but payswix may be unable to discuss in detail what payswix has or has not done with the information you have provided. We hope that you will understand that ‘in confidence’ applies equally to whistleblowers, clients and other individuals.  We would like to assure that all reported violations will be handled with strict confidentiality regarding the information and identity of the whistleblower, and any indicators that may indicate the identity of the whistleblower.

Please note that you are not required to have any proof when you “blow the whistle”; however, keep in mind that any factual information would aid the investigation.

It is important to note that any complaints regarding payswix not fulfilling its obligations under a contract and/or an agreement must be filed as a Complaint under the Complaints Policy.

Protecting your confidentiality

The Whistleblowing Form is designed in such a way that you will remain anonymous, unless you provide your contact details upon submitting the form. Payswix will make no attempts to identify the whistleblower, if the whistleblower has chosen to stay anonymous. Note that anonymously raised concerns are usually less credible and are more difficult to investigate, as such, payswix encourages you to provide your contact details when raising concerns via the Whistleblowing Form.

Payswix will ensure that reporting party will not be discriminated against or will suffer any negative consequences as a result of raised concerns.

Note that payswix will never disclose or otherwise reveal the information regarding investigation to any 3rd party, with an exception of Senior Management of payswix. Payswix may be required to report your raised concerns to law enforcement agencies, regulators if mandated by law or regulation. In such situation your identity will be concealed, unless otherwise mandated by law or regulation.

Note that payswix will not be bound by the confidentiality statements above if the reporting party has provided false information knowingly, or in pursue of defamation of payswix employees’ or Company’s reputation.

All personal data gathered during the investigation process will be handled in accordance with payswix Privacy Policy.

Raising your concerns to external parties

The reporting party can raise their whistleblowing-related concerns directly to the Bank of Lithuania or other competent authorities. Such reporting should be performed as defined by the Law on Whistle-blowers Protection of the Republic of Lithuania.